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Tax Deductions Gone in 2018

Now that the new H.R.1 (popularly called the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act) is the law, all kinds of itemized federal tax deductions have vanished. The final bill left many more standing, but plenty of others fell. Here is a partial list of the itemized deductions unavailable this year.

Avoiding the Cybercrooks

How can you plan to avoid cyberattacks and other attempts to take your money over the Internet? Be wary, and if attacked, respond quickly. Most online money threats can be avoided with good security software, the latest operating system, and some healthy skepticism. Here is where a little suspicion may save you a lot of financial pain. If you do end up suffering that pain, the right insurance coverage may help to lessen it.

What Do You Have in Reserve for 2018?

How much does the average American household have in the bank? Estimates vary, but the short answer to this question is “not enough.” Living without an emergency fund can invite worry. Save a little each month to build up your emergency fund.

The Medical Expense Deduction in 2018

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has lowered the threshold for medical expense deductions. If you are considering surgery or dental work, it may be better to schedule these procedures for 2018 instead of 2019. Read more on how the changes will impact medical expenses for 2018 and 2019.

The Backdoor Roth IRA

A backdoor Roth IRA might be a real plus for your retirement. If it frustrates you that you cannot contribute to a Roth IRA because of your income, explore this possibility with insight from your financial or tax professional.

How New Tax Laws Affect Small Businesses

The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act changed the tax picture for business owners. Whether your company is incorporated or held closely, you must recognize how the recent adjustments to the Internal Revenue Code can potentially affect you and your workers.

Watch for These Insurance Blind Spots

A good auto, homeowner, or renter policy will insure you against what the carrier believes to be common threats. There are other risks, however, that you might need to address.

Tax Changes Around the Home

Three recent tax law changes impact homeowners and home-based businesses. They may affect your federal income taxes this year.

Why the U.S. Might Be Less Affected by a Trade War

A trade war does seem to be getting underway. Investors around the world see headwinds arising from newly enacted and planned tariffs, headwinds that could potentially exert a drag on global growth (and stock markets). How badly could these trade disputes hurt the American economy?

Debunking a Few Popular Retirement Myths

Generalizations about money and retirement linger. Some have been around for decades, and some new clichés have recently joined their ranks. Let’s examine a few.

Searching for Health Coverage in the Years Before Medicare

If you retire before age 65, you must be prepared to address two insurance issues. Review these options before you retire. See how the costs fit into your budget. Have a conversation about this topic with an insurance or financial professional, because you may end up leaving work years prior to age 65.

Is Generation X Preparing Adequately for Retirement?

Traditional pensions are largely gone, and Social Security could change in the decades to come. At midlife, Gen Xers must dedicate themselves to sufficiently funding their retirements and squarely facing the financial challenges ahead. Is this generation prepared for the financial realities of life after work

A Retirement Fact Sheet

Does your vision of retirement align with the facts? Here are some noteworthy financial and lifestyle facts about life after 50 that might surprise you.

When a Family Member Dies

The passing of a loved one irrevocably alters family life. After a death, there is so much to attend to; it is better to do it sooner rather than later. Here, then, is a list of what commonly needs to be looked after.

Section 199A Business Tax Deductions

Many households, businesses, and other organizations are arranging their documents for the coming tax season. There is still confusion regarding this and other tax matters which underlines the importance of seeking and securing capable and reliable assistance from a tax professional.

Certain Uncertainties in Retirement

The financial uncertainties we face in retirement may risk reducing our sense of confidence, potentially undermining our outlook during those years.

Retirement Now vs. Retirement Then

Today, pensions are scarce, and the maximum monthly Social Security benefit is less than $3,000. As a result, retirees must be more self-reliant than their predecessors. Learn more.

The Chapters of Retirement

Like chapters in a book, the journey to & through retirement occurs gradually. Learn more about the five phases of life after 50 & the considerations that accompany them.

Three Key Questions to Answer Before Taking Social Security

Social Security will be a critical component of your financial strategy in retirement, so before you begin taking it, you should consider three important questions. Learn more.

Retiring Single

If you think you will be retiring alone, you will want to replace your income; you will also want to stay socially engaged. Learn more.

Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging enough without making some common, and very avoidable, mistakes. Here are eight big mistakes to steer clear of, if possible. Learn more.

Why Having a Financial Professional Matters

What kind of role can a financial professional play for an investor? The short answer: a very important one. Learn more.

Retirement Wellness

How healthy a retirement do you think you will have? Staying active and curbing certain habits as a senior could potentially reduce one type of retirement expense. Learn more.

Systematic Withdrawal Strategies

To simplify money management, some retirees choose to make systematic withdrawals. Is it the right strategy for you? Learn more about the pros and cons here.

Measuring the Value of a Financial Advisor

A 2019 study by Vanguard, one of the world’s largest money managers, concludes that working with a financial advisor can yield about a 3% higher net return on your portfolio. Learn more.

Debunking Common Retirement Assumptions

Learn more about debunking common retirement assumptions, as the impact of many of these generalizations differ from person to person.

Tax Considerations for Retirees

The federal government offers some major tax breaks for older Americans. Learn more about some lesser known tax considerations for retirees.

Key Provisions of the CARES Act

Learn more about how retirees may benefit from key provisions of the CARES Act, a new law that's designed to help those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Stock Market Lesson to Remember

Spring 2020 has tried the patience of investors. But remember: While confidence can quickly erode in the stock market, it can also quickly emerge. Learn more.

Eldercare Choices in the COVID-19 Era

The coronavirus pandemic has many seniors considering their extended care options with extra caution. Learn more about eldercare choices in the COVID-19 era.

Before You Claim Social Security

Learn about key factors to consider before you claim social security. Whether you want to retire at 62 or 72, claiming your benefits is no casual decision.

A Checklist for When a Spouse or Parent Passes

Losing a loved one can be overwhelming, and arrangements need to be made on top of the grief. Learn more about the fundamental steps to take after someone passes away.

Why Medicare Should Be Part of Your Retirement Strategy

Medicare takes a little time to understand, and you should familiarize yourself with its coverage options, costs, and limitations as you approach 65. Learn more.

Year-End Estate Strategies

The year's end is a great time to review your estate strategy, especially with a complicated estate that will need to be managed when you’re gone. Learn more.

The Social Security Administration Announces 2021 COLA

Learn about how the 1.3 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2021 impacts Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries.

2021 Limits for IRAs, 401(k)s and More

Learn about how the 2021 adjusted figures for retirement account savings may affect your financial and retirement plans on the Ramsay Wealth website.

Building a Healthy Financial Foundation

What exactly does “getting your financial house in order” mean? Learn about building a healthy financial foundation from Ramsay Wealth Management.

Earnings Season Gets Underway

You may have heard that "earnings season” is underway, but what is it and why is it important to Wall Street? Learn more from Ramsay Wealth Management.

Tax Efficiency in Retirement

What role should taxes play in your investment and retirement decisions? Learn about tax efficiency in retirement from Ramsay Wealth Management.

Paying for the Infrastructure Bill

Learn about the much-anticipated American Jobs Plan, which outlines an approach to spend about $2.2 trillion on the nation's infrastructure and other projects.

2021 Retirement Confidence Survey

Learn about the 2021 Retirement Confidence Survey, which gauges the views and attitudes of working-age and retired Americans regarding retirement.

A COLA with Your Social Security?

Preliminary estimates call for a 4.7% cost-of-living increase (COLA) in Social Security benefits next year, which would be the highest since 2009. Learn more.

Conducting Your Mid-Year Financial Checkup

While there’s still plenty of time to enjoy the rest of summer, the mid-year is the perfect time to check up on your financial well-being. Learn more.

A 6.1% Bump in Social Security?

It's now projected that Social Security benefits will increase 6.1% in 2022, which would be the most significant increase since 1983. Learn more.

401(k) Millionaires

A workplace retirement account can be critical to overall retirement strategy. Learn how some have gone further with the accounts than others, especially recently.

The Social Security Administration Announces 2022 COLA

It's official: Social Security recipients will receive a 5.9 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2022, the largest increase in four decades. Learn more.

Wise Decisions with Retirement in Mind

Some retirees succeed at realizing the life they want; others don’t. Learn about the dos and don’ts that tend to encourage retirement happiness and comfort.

Fed Chair Changes His Tune

Fed Chair Jerome Powell had told the story of transitory inflation for the past several months, but now it appears he's changed his tune. Learn more.

Outlook for 2022

By any measure, 2021 was a strong year for investors. But what’s in store for 2022? Learn more from Ramsay Wealth Management.

Retirement Preparation Mistakes

Classic financial missteps of start-ups, family businesses, corporations, and charities are well-documented. Learn about common retirement preparation mistakes.

Getting (Mentally) Ready to Retire

Even those who retire with small fortunes can face boredom or depression and financial anxiety. Learn about getting yourself mentally ready to retire.

Are You Retiring Within the Next 5 Years?

Even those who retire with small fortunes can face boredom or depression and financial anxiety. Learn about getting yourself mentally ready to retire.

The Retirement Reality Check

Certain aspects of the retirement experience often go unrecognized. Learn about some little things that can be frequently overlooked.

Rehearsing for Retirement

Wish you could preview your retirement? Learn about financially and mentally "rehearsing" for your life's third act, while still enjoying the second.

Creating a Retirement Strategy

Most people just invest for the future. You have a chance to do more. Learn more about creating a retirement strategy.

Required Minimum Distributions 101

Approaching your seventies? You may soon have to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from one or more of your retirement accounts. Learn more.

5 Retirement Concerns Too Often Overlooked

Retirement is a major life and financial transition. Unfortunately, not all of the financial challenges it poses are immediately obvious. Learn more.

Should We Reconsider What “Retirement” Means?

Retirement is a major life and financial transition. Unfortunately, not all of the financial challenges it poses are immediately obvious. Learn more.

End-of-the-Year Money Moves

If you had notable changes in your personal or professional life, consider reviewing your finances before 2023. Learn more about end-of-the-year money moves.

New Retirement Contribution Limits for 2023

The IRS has released new limits for the coming year, and some of these cost-of-living-based adjustments have reached near-record levels. Learn more.

Managing Probate When Setting Up Your Estate

Settling an estate through probate can cost you both time and money. What can you do to help your heirs during the distribution process? Learn more.

What Happens When There Are No Beneficiaries

What happens to these accounts and policies with no designated beneficiary when the original owner dies? Learn more.

Couples Retiring on the Same Page

Does your idea of a good retirement resemble what your spouse or partner has in mind? Learn more about couples retiring on the same page.

9 Facts About Social Security

We all think we know how social security works, but how much do you really know? Learn about nine facts about social security that might surprise you.

Eight Mistakes That Can Upend Your Retirement

Pursuing your retirement dreams is challenging, but many missteps are avoidable. Learn about eight mistakes that can upend your retirement.

Healthcare Costs in Retirement

Being aware of potential healthcare costs during retirement may allow you to understand what you can pay for and what you can’t. Learn more.

Navigating Retirement Pitfalls

Becoming aware of these potential retirement pitfalls may help you to avoid falling into them in the future. Learn more.

Does Your Portfolio Fit Your Retirement Lifestyle?

Does your portfolio fit your retirement lifestyle? Most are built around investment objective(s), risk tolerance, and time horizon. Learn more.

Helpful Retirement Strategies for Women

Although stereotypes are changing, preparing for retirement can look a little different for each gender. Learn more about retirement strategies for women.

Orchestrating Your Retirement Accounts

An orchestra requires a conductor to lead them as they produce the music imagined by the composer. The same can be said about your retirement plan. Learn more.

Important Birthdays Over 50

Several birthdays and "half-birthdays" have implications regarding your retirement income. Learn more about important birthdays after 50.

Social Security: Five Facts You Need to Know

Social Security can be complicated. Let's look at five facts about Social Security that are important to keep in mind. Learn more.

How Will Working Affect Social Security Benefits?

How will working in retirement affect Social Security benefits? Learn more as we look at three key concepts to help answer that question.

Women and Wealth: A Pivot Towards Retirement

Learn about crucial tips and strategies for ensuring a smooth and fulfilling transition to retirement for women on our website.

Immediate vs. Deferred Annuities

Annuities account for 6.5% of all assets earmarked for retirement. Learn more about immediate and deferred annuities on our website.

How Retirement Spending Changes with Time

When planning for retirement, it's important to keep in mind that retirement spending habits change with time. Learn more.

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